Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A place with cardboard urinals and the streets paved with sand...

...Or sleep problems and amateur dream self-analysis

I haven't been sleeping well lately- the last week or so- Began with a day off from work that started under a small cloud of uncertainty- went from being off, to taking the hours, to having them cut, to deciding I'd take the day off and start using vacation time- but wasn't 100% that was the resolution until I woke up that day at the time I would've needed to be getting ready for work

Got word I had day off early on- but ended up staying up for a bit- dozed off during an early-afternoon showing of Mike Judge's "Office Space" on one of the HBO's- Won't misapply the term of irony to it- as seems to be the wont of most- but will call it a reasonably self-satisfying way to nod off on a weekday afternoon where you're getting paid one way or the other

Anyhow- the short sleep the night before and afternoon nap set a pattern for the next day or so where I could sleep in 3-4 hour nap-length shifts- but not for longer- led to me being up at odd times all day into Saturday- when I finally broke the odd shifts- but still fell asleep earlier than usual that night and the next- though the Redskins-Ravens "Sunday Night Football" contest was a yawnfest by any football-viewing measure

The last few nights since- I've been plagued by weird dreams- each night has seemed to serve up ones weirder than their predecessors- starting with one where I was walking down the street looking for the newspaper- in a city where the streets were all-sand- cars were sliding all over the place and up on the sidewalks- but slowly enough for pedestrians like myself to make "Matrix"-style escapes from them as they came up into my path

The next night featured a usual theme for me at the outset- me living in the shitty/ a shittier version of the shitty apartment (OK, it wasn't that squalid- just an overall odd experience) I had while living out some sort of life lesson in Los Angeles about a decade ago- I got word that I was to fly to New York and meet someone who could change things for me- but I proceeded to get lost navigating the many bridges that cross the numerous waterways of the city of my birth

Finally- the most quirky of the chin-scratchers to me- A dream last night (Tue/ Wed) where I had the breakthrough invention of cardboard, self-contained public urinals- the solution to the urban blight of public urination/ the age-old reason of such- the overwhelming need to go- these were placed all over and apparently made me a hero to urban planners or whomever- Don't ask how the dream me created or executed the plan- the dream only covered my post-invention life of acclaim and seeing them all over the place- Not even sure if my dream self got rich from that idea

Needless to say- I could use a good night's sleep, less candy and/ or Doritos before bedtime and the hope the frosty beverages I'm enjoying as I write this will lead to a reduction/ eradication of the dreams and preceding sleep problems from the past week- of course, last Wednesday night's icy alcohol-filled refreshment led to a handful of dumb Facebook messages/ friend requests to a few people- and I'll be looking to avoid that outcome tonight as well

-Speaking of internet-based embarrassment- This is the first attempt I'm making to have both this and my MySpace blog melded content-wise- only about 4 months or so after initially threatened it

-Today presented another example of the crazy-go-nuts businesspeople I encounter at my job on a regular basis (as I've previously documented on MySpace)- Was pulling up power drops from an exhibit area as a couple folks were discussing going to the bar and having a few drinks- One guy asks about an absent cohort- "Does (so-and-so) like to tie one off?"- I had to restrain myself from bursting out laughing at the misappropriation of either drinking/ drug slang- I'm sure the guy has no idea whatsoever that "tie one on" is the correct booze lingo- while "tie one off" is associated with hardcore drugs (I'll let whatever readership there is between the attempted 2 homes of this blog figure it out for themselves)

-Not sure of what to make of NBC's idea to move Jay Leno to 10PM next fall- from his "Tonight Show" slot of 11:35- that he's abdicating to Conan O'Brien

On one hand- "The Tonight Show" is "The Tonight Show" and O'Brien will be occupying the mantle previously held by Steverino, Paar and Johnny- But on the other, Leno will be in the important prime-time block- and potentially more valuable to NBC than O'Brien's 11:35 start -or waaaaaaay more important than Jimmy Fallon's impending assumption of the "Late Night" franchise in '09 as well- will be interesting to see how it plays out

-Had an interesting ethical moment on way back from work tonight- been opting to drive through Davis Square itself- instead of its fringes- recent nights- figured as long as it was late enough to be too early/ too late for bars closing in area- Anyhow- driving through- I see what appears to be the general visage of a friend's girlfriend who appeared to be waiting on sidewalk- she has seen my car in past- and I thought of pulling up to offer ride/ assistance to the young lady if she needed it- but then thought- What if my initial look was wrong? Now I've pulled up to some girl who has no idea of this guy who creepily pulled up to her after midnight- Something that would have been embarrassing in the least and an inadvertant enticement for the attention of law enforcement in the reasonable realm of the worst- So, not to be an asshole- I kept going and went home

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