Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday is the new Wednesday

I seem to be posting these- and enjoying a few frosty beverages- more on Tuesdays these days- largely to do with my working schedule- which has run the gamut from 8 straight days a few weeks back to intermittent/ unpredictable days on/ off the schedule- and maybe partly to do with the fact I'm getting older and lamer and can use the extra day off between festive evenings- Though I guess I am thankful to be somewhat gainfully-employed in this economy

Anyhow- have had a large amount of downtime while battling a bad head cold the past week- which led to odder sleeping patterns than usual for me- had days where I'd unpredictably stay in bed until 2 in the afternoon and other days where I'd plan/ hope for such a late wake-up and be up at 9 in the morning- particularly today- where I'd hoped to stay in repose at least another hour or two past being woken up by a bad dream that involved my dad, running a newsstand (in 2009) and a haircut- nothing untoward about any of them- but won't get much more specific than that- was rousted at the crossroads of that storyline and kept awake by my musing that the dreamland worst-case-scenario I dodged was actually better than the dumb storyline that preceded it

February Bulletpoints
-Only took two and a half months- but I finally have a hearing date for the speeding ticket I received on the Massachusetts Turnpike 1 December- which is only about two and a half months from now (30 April)- Had not heard a word about this prior to Tuesday (10 February) and am kind of surprised that start-to-finish- if I have to take the 20 days to pay at end- will have taken roughly six months to settle

-Have spent a lot of time on Facebook recently- been struck by a couple things

One is the seeming "I just farted"-level of personal status updates on there- there's a couple people in particular I see on there who will announce their upcoming appearances at local chain restaurants or other habits as at the level of either personal epiphanies or appearances by the Beatles in their heyday- I was on the precipice of being sucked into this last week when I was sick- Updated my status that I was sick and annoyed- particularly by the amateur musician/ music producer that lives directly above my place and thinks he's the next Les Paul or Jimmy Jam and acts like he is living in a fucking dorm or frat house where loud behavior is either tolerated or encouraged- I'm 39- but I was annoyed by that attitude when I was 21 or 22 and living in a goddamn dorm- as covered here previously

Anyhow- next day went on and updated that I was feeling a little better and less annoyed and posted such- after 5 minutes or so- caught myself and wondered what the fuck I was doing- I don't want to fall into the trap of updating this shit every day- let alone the every 5 minutes that seems to be some folks' wont here on the internet

The other thing that piqued my interest- aside from me calling my sister the quasi-alliterative "Kierkegaard of carbonated beverages" over an analogy she made there between herself and stages of soda- are the people that seem to want to empty out the photo album or trunk to have every class photo scanned on there- Weird to see the 1970's school photos- especially the Bicentennial-themed 1975-76 ones- I was in 1st grade then- so, I'm familiar with that- But it's hard to look at these childhood and teenage photos for most of these folks and not think the sets of photos are kind of the "before" set in the act of soul-crushing reality of adult life setting in and redacts the 2009 photos of these people as the "after" ones

-A question I never got to last week- and may have addressed in the early stages of the MySpace era- What's with the bad foot/ ankle tatoos on some women? Dumb tatoos are dumb tatoos on either gender- and I'm not against personal expression- but have always been mystified by women that will get tatoos on those areas- as though they'll never have to wear a dress or low-cut shoes/ whatever- and end up in a business environment where they have to wear such and end up with something that looks like a rejected Arena League helmet design in full view when they do so- Did they think this was a good idea when they got them? Was college that wild? At least a 'tramp stamp' (whale tail, et al) takes some level of effort/ clothes riding up or down to see

-To those that want to deride my new photos- Mark Messier weeping on Blogger and the cast of "Riptide" on MySpace- Still a fan of both and willing to take whichever barbs come my way over either

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