Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dream Plinko

Figured I'd post while having another Tuesday night taste here- Trying to defeat whatever has caused me to sleep like shit for much of the past week or so- Have been off for much of it and have developed some rather dreadful habits- including no times I must be out of bed by that have led to increasingly later bedtimes followed by about 4 hours of sleep, time up watching TV and eventual, super-late, up-for-the-day times like around 2:30 PM- a time where I'm usually at work- and useless days spent sitting around on the computer, watching hockey, Alex Rodriguez press conferences or other assorted A-Rod/ Brett Favre- related off-season coverage on ESPNNews

As I touched upon last week- have had some rather odd dreams lately- that have continued- and seem to either consist of or combine elements from most of the following as personal "Plinko" categories for me- Family, work or girls- Won't get too far into detail on any here- But, will say some have worked in all 3 and at least 1 disturbing one had only one of the above -Me somehow being Rosie O'Donnell's chauffeur across the state of California and ditching her on the way to a floating hotel (only work-related)

Will be back at work next couple days- and back on something of a regular schedule next week- Hopefully, will be the trade-off that cures my sleep difficulties

Other relatively short items

A point I raised to one of my friends while I watched the news the other night- I wonder what the resentment/ remorse level is between surviving sets of seperated conjoined (Siamese) twins where one comes out more complete than the other? Saw the story of the seperated twins in Pittsburgh - where one appears to be fully formed- legs, et al and the other appears to be a human hand puppet- with nothing below the waist

What do you think the inverse levels of guilt/ resentment arguing that's going to ensue between the two if they get older? "Sure- You got the legs"/ "Why me?"- type shit- I cannot imagine

-Was watching the NBA All-Star Game the other night- Saw Shaquille O'Neal come out during the iteam introductions and appear with the Jabawockeez (spelling approximate)- I had to look up who they were on the computer box- aside from knowing them as the guys in white masks from the newer Gatorade commercials that appear to be Nike ads until the tag line- Had no idea who they were and that they had won the 2008 title of "America's Best Dance Crew" on MTV

Still really have no idea to them or their identities other than the fact they seem to be the breakdancing crew answer to the Blue Man Group- probably interchangable if anyone leaves, probably be doing their shit in some casino town somewhere in 5 years or so when no one really cares- as opposed to the mild interest they've seemed to engender in 2009

-Speaking of being an old white guy- caught the supposed "highlights" from "American Idol" tonight on the local Fox channel's news (go figure)- Watching 20-year-old white girls cover Isaac Hayes tunes holds less than even an infimtessimal percentage of interest from me- in fact, it seems like a complete gag- and would require- as I posted on someone's Facebook status earlier- a case of alcohol poisoning for me to even consider sitting down and viewing

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