Friday, February 20, 2009

Scenes From an Economic Lull

Work for me has been super-slow lately- spending my 7th straight day off from work today- have worked a bit during two-week pay period that ended today and was also supposedly getting paid this week for road show I did almost 7 months ago- so things could be worse for me

But- after a week of mostly sitting around my abode- I still have feeling of being the protagonist in some sort of one-man Nordic art-house film based on a screenplay adapted from an Albert Goldman biography- a thought I sort of had while showering for a weekday at around 7:15 PM the other day- could track my movements for most days based on my unyielding fealty to the printed word and newspaper industry and would walk up the street and get the local papers- which themselves are rather expensive at 75 cents each- but each of the NY papers are at least a $1 a piece on weekdays and the New York Times is $1.50- which is same cost as in the Tri-State Area- for the moment- but I digress

Among the few highlights of my unwilling vacation week:

-The NHL Center Ice package has been free all week (through this coming Sunday- 22 February)- has been a window into regional and Canadian advertisements and different game presentation styles between teams- I still have a soft spot for the New York area teams- particularly the Rangers on MSG- but was struck by a couple visages from individual telecasts I saw

One- being the image of a lonely peanut vendor at a Carolina Hurricanes game- All I could think was either- Thank God it's not baseball season for peanut sellers- in light of recent developments with peanut manufacturing in the south- or must be as counter-intuitive as having been a Chicago-area Tylenol sales/ display rep around 1982-83 or so- except they weren't selling tainted pain relievers at sporting events at concession prices

The other- was while watching a fan getting a Little Caesars pizza at a Red Wings game at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit- I lived in the Detroit metro area for a bit as a young person (about 5-7 years old) and have lived in other areas where Little Caesars was available- including my days in Southern California and until I looked it up- had no idea there were 5 in Massachusetts- with one in Lynn being the closest to me- haven't had the Little Caesars in about as long since I've last ingested Taco Bell (10 1/2 years or so)- but cannot shake how bad/ bland it was- even as a 6 or 7 year old in Michigan- 32-plus years ago- I cannot imagine paying the sports-arena price for that commensurate to the $8 beer or whatever other shit they are serving at the hockey arena- made me practically lose my appetite while watching

Thanks to the NHL preview- I will at least be able to record/ watch Andy Bathgate/ Harry Howell night for the Rangers Sunday night opposite the big film awards- sort of rooting against Sean Penn- only because I don't want hear his level of self-righteousness on the platform of the Oscars- and the chance of Mickey Rourke winning and rambling out of bounds of whatever delay/ common network TV decency would make watching show worthwhile

-Another week-off "highlight" was the day I showered so late and had my wake-up coffe around 8:30 PM or so- was watching the G4 when one of my favorite "Cops" episodes aired at 3 AM- featuring Officer Manny Mauri (not the "Open up 'cause I'm coming in!" one- for the "Cops" aficinaidos) from Denver about 15 years or so ago- You know you've reached some sort of personal low when a 3 AM "Cops" rerun represents the high point of your time awake during a 24-hour period

-It took a lottery scumbag to show me the light- was in the store down the street from me today purchasing the newspapers- in year and a half of living here- never had any idea why it was the "LP Market"- always thought it looked like a de-commissioned chain convenience store- until one of the hardcore lottery players blocking the line there was on a cell phone saying "I'm at the Little Peach on Highland in Sumah-vil" - it occurred to me that its a former Little Peach store- kind of the Jons< Vons comparison to anyone who's ever lived in Los Angeles/ the scab version of a known brand that was subsumed by another/ went out of business- Yet, all the Little Peach/ Christy's- became 7-11's years ago while all the Tedeschi's/ Store 24's have all seemingly become Tedeschi's- Just odd to the think the "LP" moniker of the defrocked store has long outlived the chain itself

-I woke up dreaming of bacon today (20 February)- I was eating bacon as part of a dream that woke me up- I truly have become lame during this period of inactivity if that is what has woken me up

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dream Plinko

Figured I'd post while having another Tuesday night taste here- Trying to defeat whatever has caused me to sleep like shit for much of the past week or so- Have been off for much of it and have developed some rather dreadful habits- including no times I must be out of bed by that have led to increasingly later bedtimes followed by about 4 hours of sleep, time up watching TV and eventual, super-late, up-for-the-day times like around 2:30 PM- a time where I'm usually at work- and useless days spent sitting around on the computer, watching hockey, Alex Rodriguez press conferences or other assorted A-Rod/ Brett Favre- related off-season coverage on ESPNNews

As I touched upon last week- have had some rather odd dreams lately- that have continued- and seem to either consist of or combine elements from most of the following as personal "Plinko" categories for me- Family, work or girls- Won't get too far into detail on any here- But, will say some have worked in all 3 and at least 1 disturbing one had only one of the above -Me somehow being Rosie O'Donnell's chauffeur across the state of California and ditching her on the way to a floating hotel (only work-related)

Will be back at work next couple days- and back on something of a regular schedule next week- Hopefully, will be the trade-off that cures my sleep difficulties

Other relatively short items

A point I raised to one of my friends while I watched the news the other night- I wonder what the resentment/ remorse level is between surviving sets of seperated conjoined (Siamese) twins where one comes out more complete than the other? Saw the story of the seperated twins in Pittsburgh - where one appears to be fully formed- legs, et al and the other appears to be a human hand puppet- with nothing below the waist

What do you think the inverse levels of guilt/ resentment arguing that's going to ensue between the two if they get older? "Sure- You got the legs"/ "Why me?"- type shit- I cannot imagine

-Was watching the NBA All-Star Game the other night- Saw Shaquille O'Neal come out during the iteam introductions and appear with the Jabawockeez (spelling approximate)- I had to look up who they were on the computer box- aside from knowing them as the guys in white masks from the newer Gatorade commercials that appear to be Nike ads until the tag line- Had no idea who they were and that they had won the 2008 title of "America's Best Dance Crew" on MTV

Still really have no idea to them or their identities other than the fact they seem to be the breakdancing crew answer to the Blue Man Group- probably interchangable if anyone leaves, probably be doing their shit in some casino town somewhere in 5 years or so when no one really cares- as opposed to the mild interest they've seemed to engender in 2009

-Speaking of being an old white guy- caught the supposed "highlights" from "American Idol" tonight on the local Fox channel's news (go figure)- Watching 20-year-old white girls cover Isaac Hayes tunes holds less than even an infimtessimal percentage of interest from me- in fact, it seems like a complete gag- and would require- as I posted on someone's Facebook status earlier- a case of alcohol poisoning for me to even consider sitting down and viewing

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday is the new Wednesday

I seem to be posting these- and enjoying a few frosty beverages- more on Tuesdays these days- largely to do with my working schedule- which has run the gamut from 8 straight days a few weeks back to intermittent/ unpredictable days on/ off the schedule- and maybe partly to do with the fact I'm getting older and lamer and can use the extra day off between festive evenings- Though I guess I am thankful to be somewhat gainfully-employed in this economy

Anyhow- have had a large amount of downtime while battling a bad head cold the past week- which led to odder sleeping patterns than usual for me- had days where I'd unpredictably stay in bed until 2 in the afternoon and other days where I'd plan/ hope for such a late wake-up and be up at 9 in the morning- particularly today- where I'd hoped to stay in repose at least another hour or two past being woken up by a bad dream that involved my dad, running a newsstand (in 2009) and a haircut- nothing untoward about any of them- but won't get much more specific than that- was rousted at the crossroads of that storyline and kept awake by my musing that the dreamland worst-case-scenario I dodged was actually better than the dumb storyline that preceded it

February Bulletpoints
-Only took two and a half months- but I finally have a hearing date for the speeding ticket I received on the Massachusetts Turnpike 1 December- which is only about two and a half months from now (30 April)- Had not heard a word about this prior to Tuesday (10 February) and am kind of surprised that start-to-finish- if I have to take the 20 days to pay at end- will have taken roughly six months to settle

-Have spent a lot of time on Facebook recently- been struck by a couple things

One is the seeming "I just farted"-level of personal status updates on there- there's a couple people in particular I see on there who will announce their upcoming appearances at local chain restaurants or other habits as at the level of either personal epiphanies or appearances by the Beatles in their heyday- I was on the precipice of being sucked into this last week when I was sick- Updated my status that I was sick and annoyed- particularly by the amateur musician/ music producer that lives directly above my place and thinks he's the next Les Paul or Jimmy Jam and acts like he is living in a fucking dorm or frat house where loud behavior is either tolerated or encouraged- I'm 39- but I was annoyed by that attitude when I was 21 or 22 and living in a goddamn dorm- as covered here previously

Anyhow- next day went on and updated that I was feeling a little better and less annoyed and posted such- after 5 minutes or so- caught myself and wondered what the fuck I was doing- I don't want to fall into the trap of updating this shit every day- let alone the every 5 minutes that seems to be some folks' wont here on the internet

The other thing that piqued my interest- aside from me calling my sister the quasi-alliterative "Kierkegaard of carbonated beverages" over an analogy she made there between herself and stages of soda- are the people that seem to want to empty out the photo album or trunk to have every class photo scanned on there- Weird to see the 1970's school photos- especially the Bicentennial-themed 1975-76 ones- I was in 1st grade then- so, I'm familiar with that- But it's hard to look at these childhood and teenage photos for most of these folks and not think the sets of photos are kind of the "before" set in the act of soul-crushing reality of adult life setting in and redacts the 2009 photos of these people as the "after" ones

-A question I never got to last week- and may have addressed in the early stages of the MySpace era- What's with the bad foot/ ankle tatoos on some women? Dumb tatoos are dumb tatoos on either gender- and I'm not against personal expression- but have always been mystified by women that will get tatoos on those areas- as though they'll never have to wear a dress or low-cut shoes/ whatever- and end up in a business environment where they have to wear such and end up with something that looks like a rejected Arena League helmet design in full view when they do so- Did they think this was a good idea when they got them? Was college that wild? At least a 'tramp stamp' (whale tail, et al) takes some level of effort/ clothes riding up or down to see

-To those that want to deride my new photos- Mark Messier weeping on Blogger and the cast of "Riptide" on MySpace- Still a fan of both and willing to take whichever barbs come my way over either

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Retroactive Genius and Parking Lot Tough Guys

Title above has a mutually exclusive meaning in this entry- but the more I thought about it- you can apply an odd symmetry to them when placed together- though I meant them as the entree to two separate themes this week- Read on to learn- won't you?

-First the "Retroactive Genius" part refers to the fact I nailed my Super Bowl picks this year- Arizona to cover the 7-point spread, Pittsburgh to win and both teams combining for over 46 and a half points- Of course, writing it here 2 days after the game and not parlaying it into a financial gain- after I couldn't track down guy at work who was so confident about the Steelers a couple weeks ago that he was going to tease it to a 21-point spread with me just to get my bet- doesn't necessarily make me either Rerun from TV's "What's Happening" - when he had the hot streak based on teams' helmet designs or a pre-racial comment Jimmy the Greek- who actually was known for being wrong a lot when he was on TV in the 1970's and 80's with his toteboard and thinly-veiled quantification of "intangibles" (as point spread)

Either way- I have the satisfaction of knowing I was right- small consolation compared to last year's game (won by the New York Giants and correctly picked on 2 of 3 fronts by me) or financial gain- but to quote former football great and memoribilia generator O.J. Simpson "It happens"

Other Super Bowl-related ruminations:
-Watched a good portion of the Steelers' victory parade Tuesday- Is there some sort of new way a team and city can celebrate a sports championship? (sans violence, mayhem or property destruction, of course)

The victory parade/ rally has become as much of a post-game cliche as "I'm going to Disneyland!"- The Steelers' parade seemed to run on a course that managed to make 2009 Downtown Pittsburgh look about as downtrodden as the fictional 1977 Charlestown did during the closing credits of "Slapshot" and culminated in a predictable rally with guys predicting a repeat next year, the black guys on the team automatically being microphone-asassinating rappers (no matter how weak their raps) and the white guys on the team being geeks and dorky dancers (who are truly lame)

The NFL Network feed featured the verbatim feed of Pittsburgh's WPXI (11) which featured the usual crew of clueless middle-American anchors that couldn't have differentiated the Cardinals' Larry Fitzgerald from Geraldine Fitzgerald (actress from "Easy Money" that I met in real life many years ago) a couple weeks ago- but are all of a sudden such experts on the local team that ask "Gosh," why longhaired safety Troy Polamalu had his hair pulled back during the rally (has previously said he only keeps it down during games)- when they probably just figured out which of the longhaired guys he is on the team- Though, the only out I will give them is the Earth, Wind and Fire- styled stage of players ranginging from the stars of the team to practice-squad eighth-stringers leads to some amount of confusion for everyone

-Watched much of the 5-hour pregame show on NBC- more than I'd really care to admit- But, aside from Al Roker calling Rainn Wilson "Zainn (or Zane)" and the unexpectedly lusicous ripeness of Bill Belicheck's cans during Cris Collinsworth's film-study segment with him- the other weird moment for me was the guy from the Phillipines who's fronting the current version of Journey- gets me thinking about how the post-Steve Perry versions of Journey could qualify for their own versions of "Behind the Music"- where they got a guy who looked, sounded and had a phoenetically-similar name to Steve Perry (Steve Augemi)- and kicked him out, too- I think Van Halen and maybe Judas Priest are the other bands that could legitimately support their own "BTM" episodes focused on replacement versions

Onto the Parking Lot Tough Guys:
-Went Saturday night to see the live version of "Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job"- was a pretty good show- felt audio mix was horrible- speaking as some sort of facsimilie of a guy who works with audio on a regular basis- thought show with both spoken-word and music should have had better mix- instead music overwhelmed as though it was a dance club or something- Thought pupeteer David Liebe Hart was far and away best of guests (over bad comedian James Quall, DJ Dougpound and the guy who sings "Sexual Romance")

Anyhow- left show from Boston's Theater District to go to nearby adult club- for first time since I wrote here (on MySpace) about my visit about 7 months ago where I stalked out after stripper called me "miserable"

Was about as exhausted this time as well- worked all day Saturday before I had a few drinks and went to Tim and Eric- was still better behaved in first few moments at strip club- was nice to first few that talked to me/ rubbed my back/ whatever- told them I had no money- even though the VIP/ lap/ private dance prices seem to have dropped precipitously (things are tough all over, I guess)

Anyhow- the real trouble this time came in the form of other patrons- who seemed to be out to merely start shit with others- Really have never understood this mentality through years of going to bars/ strip clubs/ wherever- I mean, I guess you got to go outside your regular circle to start fights or whatever, but still- have never really understood the mindset of those merely out to start incidents

So, three guys come in and stand behind me and my friend- and I'm next to to a guy who gave up his empty (or "homo seat" as a 1982 12-year-old New Jersey movie-going kid would have said) seat who's now next to me- they order two domestic beers- unbeknownest to the idea they still cost $9 a pop at this place and place a $10 bill- Bartender asks for $8 more- which gets plunked down defiantly- when change comes back- is plucked back rather decisively from bartender

Guy next to me asks these guys where they are from- "Revere" is the answer- "So, you think you're at the fucking Squire? Costs more to drink here"- they go back and forth for a bit- you can tell the Revere assholes are there just to be fucking around with people more than anything else- guy next to me has exchange where he tells these three he was born around the corner and still lives around corner- and stops their further exchanges with "Look- there's a lot of bad guys in here- I wouldn't fuck around"- I almost laugh- thinking I could ever perhaps be confused for one of the tough guys at the bar- but did find it funny those guys stopped their shit with him at that point- I left within a few minutes- trying to get between those 3- One guy seemed to want to start with me brushing my way past him- I put my hands up in the 'no-trouble' pose- and left- with no idea what transpired- but still found it hilarious that these guys were verbally schooled like that by the guy next to me- and could not stop laughing into Sunday- where I imagined these douchebags were the definition of "parking-lot tough" and told their crew how they could have kicked ass/ beat the shit out of everyone there after the fact