Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Country Time and chopper pads

Not sure I should be writing about this- but not many read this stuff anyhow- in either of its venues- so, I figure I'm relatively safe in this admission: Tonight, I actually bought a hair re-growth product for the first time

I never thought it would come to this- years of making fun of the prematurely bald- particularly the kid in high school that drew the nickname "Country Time" for going bald at about 16 and looking like the old man from the old Country Time lemonade ads of the late 1970's- years of now-dumb-looking mullets for me and no real cares about losing my hair- until a couple years ago when someone at work was looking to make fun of me and claimed a mere lapse in getting my hair cut/ semi-consciously growing it out a bit was an attempt at a comb-over

Since then- I've been kind of self-conscious about my retreating front and burgeoning chopper pad on top- I didn't really care all that much when I started to show signs I was going gray years ago- my mother regaled me with tales of her discovering bits of gray as early as when she was 16- and I really didn't begin to show any of that until I was at least 30 or so- until parts of my beard went all-gray/ white awhile after

I had not really noticed any diminishing returns up top until about 3 years ago or so- particularly when my hair was wet or it was windy out or something- But, in recent months- I've actually become somewhat obsessed with whatever's been going on up on top at pretty much all times- to the point I'd thought about obtaining some type of product to counter that

Tonight- was at the still-remodeling Target store in Watertown- looks done from outside- but not nearly done inside- went to makeshift 'Hair Care' aisle- like I usually do on most visits- of course time I look for Rogaine or whatever- there's 2 workers and 2 other customers in aisle- pretty much like first time I ever bought underage booze, condoms or pornography- want as few people to see me when I actually scope out and buy that shit for first time- I'm sure the next adult frontier for me will be if I ever need adult incontinence products when I'm really old- or something similarly embarrassing- there will be at least 5 people around that aisle/ area when I go looking for it

Anyhow- looked at the name-branded Rogaine stuff- none of it under $50- see the Target store brand 1990-era knockoff of it for under $20- decide I'd rather piss away under $20 if I abandon the course of treatment rather than the $50- of course the store brand will probably turn my scalp red, burn off the rest of my hair or get in my eyes and make my blind or something like that- But I guess I'll have to take those odds for now- We shall see

-Wrote of the usual Red Sox media lovefest last week- was watching the rain-delayed-to-Tuesday Opening Day for the Olde Towne Team- Thought it was incredibly dumb they had the players come out of the stands to make their entrances on Opening Day- Always thought that was kind a cheesy populism ever since the "Larry Sanders" episode where the network talked him into running through the crowd at the end of his how (like Jimmy Fallon does now)

Saw most players high-fiving crowd on way down- with exception of Dustin Pedroia- but was waiting for likes of either injury-prone J.D. Drew or David Ortiz to slip on beer-soaked steps and injure selves- Did not come to pass- but still thought was dumb

-Cannot believe Tuesday was one-year anniversary of Kathie Lee Gifford on the ancillary 4th hour of the "Today" show- saw they even brought Frank back out for the occasion- I'll never compliment a woman's breasts to her again without thinking he shouldn't get a royalty for his talk to one-time stewardess Suzanne Johnson many years ago

-All the preceding makes the pairing of classic college basketball coaches in their underwear for the "Guitar Hero" ads with what's left of Metallica's credibility almost fathomable- can't see Bob Knight or Coach K getting down to even the post-"..and Justice for All" catalog

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