Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Too cold for any good proverbs

The winter here in New England thus far has been rather unrelenting- seems to have been either snowy or unusually cold the past month or so- I complain every winter no matter what anyway- just complained last week about lackluster snow/ ice removal in some towns here- and recall doing so last December when weather seemed to turn super-cold instantaneously- and recall a few years back where December was a rainy, balmy preface to a cold, snowy January, etc., etc., etc.- ever since I moved back East from California over 9 years ago

As I've stated previously- the cold does not bother me as much as the snow- and the snow never bothered me as much as it has in the intervening years since I came back from the West Coast- and- this seems to be the first winter since I've been back- that California has enjoyed a warm, dry winter- of course, prefaced by a fierce wildfire season that only ended seemingly a couple weeks ago- Recall gloating to myself about the shitty weather in the East while barbecuing with the stars out in Hollywood almost a decade ago on an 86-degree Valentine's Day

Anyhow- Its not so much that the weather here is cold and snowy or the weather in some of my previous environs is balmier (not including childhood stints in Maine and Michigan)- but its the effect the extreme weather has on people in general around here- shoveled parking spots and unshoveled walkways and reciprocal behavior resulting from both- Pedestrians and drivers that both seem that much surlier and more aggressive in spite of the conditions and the dueling workplace (wherever) extremes of one-person Weather Center blowhards- who will not stop talking about how cold it is, and how much colder and how much snow the next system in 6-8 days or so is going to make it- and the Chicken Littles who approach the same information as Death From Above (or Outside)

I'm tired of all of it- but as I've previously said- I don't think there's a perfect climate/ weather scenario- you get earthquakes, wildfires and volcanoes in a lot of the warmer climes in this hemisphere and the cold weather does make one appreciate the few really perfect days around these parts -though I'm just as likely to stay inside during those, too

-I post this on both Blogger and MySpace- have been a little lax in some of the editing from one sit to the other- Blogger last time- as I caught all the syntax/ spelling errors after I did the cut & paste job- never re-visited it here

Anyhow- the slight number of entries on Blogger before I started dual-casting/ blogging (or whatever the "New Media" term would be) the same content on both- I spent a decent amount of those lamenting the shortcomings of both MySpace and Facebook and the oddness I've encountered on each- I don't link this to my Facebook page- even though I spend a decent amount of time there- largely because there's less of a veil there- I did have eras of pseudonyms on both pages- was "W Doodleson" sending out e-mails and invites to people who rightfully had no clue as to my assumed identity

Lately- as I've spent time between the two sites- I've been kind of surprised by the people on Facebook who for no good reason- would practically give up their Social Security numbers, bank pin codes and blood types- I've seen people list job, marital and just general formerly-anonymous doings as moods, photos or postings there- incredibly odd to me- and this coming from someone who's had a number of regrettablly stupid and/or alcohol-fueled episodes on the internet (and enjoying a frosty beverage now before I have to work again in the morning)

-Watching the local news earlier- for the latest weather report- naturally, after my opening screed- and saw the local Boston-area furniture store- that used to have two local-celebrity brothers selling their wares and now only has one (both are still alive- one merely quit, if anyone was truly concerned- despite the defiance of convention that either them should be considered VIP's in this region) that's advertising a "Free Blu-Ray DVD player"- if you merely spend at least $597 at their store, assume the cost of the player's shipping and handling by Monday and pay only $19.95- Not "free" as the continuining brother states in the first seconds- Even the most mentally-challenged could figure that out- I guess its truth-in-advertising at some level- considering the guy sits in front of what could literally be a Coleco-Vision level Blu-Ray player

-Yes, the run of the Super Bowl XLII champion New York Giants came to an ignominous end last Sunday- the Giants performance and play-calling reverted to 2006 levels, the Philadelphia Eagles beat them, some idiot Giant "fans" torched a car in the parking lot and YouTubed it and loud-mouth Patriots fans (not all I encountered, mind you) came out of the fucking woodwork of not even making the playoffs this year to act as though the National Football League was going to strip the G-men of last year's title for being "lucky"- as though the idea wouldn't cost the local squad at least one of their three Lombardi trophies - either the first one in 2002 or the third (2004-05) where Donovan McNabb showed just how clutch he is by literally getting ill on the football itself late in the game

Anyhow- I find it amusing how some of this region's sports fans will tie anything into their crushes on the local squads- even 11 1/2 months later- and 4 years after their last Super Bowl championship- All I can root for at this point is Arizona knocking off the overrated McNabb and the Eagles and the Steelers beating either one of them should they reach "The Ultimate Showdown"

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